StartWithout categoryTHE HOUSE FELL: PF indicts Renan for passive corruption and money laundering...

THE HOUSE HAS FALLEN: PF indicts Renan for passive corruption and money laundering


The Federal Police (PF) decided to indict Senator Renan Calheiros (MDB-AL), rapporteur of the Pandemic CPI, for the crimes of passive corruption and money laundering. The corporation's investigations indicate that the senator had requested and received R$1 million in bribes from Odebrecht in 2012.

According to investigators, the amount was allegedly paid in exchange for the senator working towards the approval of a resolution that restricted tax incentives for imported products that were being granted by states with the aim of benefiting the company Braskem.

PF agents also pointed out that Calheiros, who was identified by the codename “Justiça” in the Odebrecht system, had received the money through an employee of his financial operator on May 31, 2012, in the Mooca neighborhood, in São Paulo (SP).

The investigation was opened by Minister Edson Fachin, rapporteur of Lava Jato at the Federal Supreme Court (STF), in April 2017 at the request of the Attorney General's Office (PGR) and based on the plea bargain of former executives of the Odebrecht group.

Lawyer Luís Henrique Machado, who is defending the senator, said he is confident that the investigation will be shelved because he believes that the investigations are based solely on the testimony of informants and stated that “no evidence of wrongdoing was ever found in his actions.”

The 110-page report, signed by delegate Vinicius Venturini, was sent to the STF this Thursday (1st). Fachin, responsible for the investigation at the Court, must now send the case to the PGR to analyze the report concluded by the PF and decide whether to charge the senator or to archive the investigation.

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