You've probably heard the popular saying: "With such friends, no one needs enemies." The Minister of Women, Family and Human Rights, Damares Alves, has experienced firsthand that an uncultivated friendship can turn into real enmity. This is because blogger Oswaldo Eustáquio, after feeling betrayed, began to expose the minister's alleged controversial actions.
The blogger, who is facing a court investigation for spreading fake news, allegedly revealed that Minister Damares was in a romantic relationship with a married man. The case was admitted by the judge to people close to her, but she said she was deceived, at the beginning of the relationship, about her boyfriend's marital status.
After the revelation of the extramarital affair, Pastor Silas told Veja Magazine that if the adulterous act is true, she could lose her position at the Esplanada dos Ministérios. “We have to see if this is true, I’m not saying it is. But, if it is, she could fall,” said the religious man.
Find out who the blogger is!
Oswaldo Eustáquio was a member of the pro-Bolsonaro information center on social media, where he defended the president and attacked opponents of the federal government. In June 2020, he was arrested during the Federal Police's Operation Lume, which investigated the organizers of anti-democratic acts, and is considered one of the main suspects in the fake news investigation at the Supreme Court.
At the time, the blogger appeared in a live chat with former congressman Roberto Jefferson, who was convicted in the mensalão scandal, when the politician argued that there would be an attempted coup against Jair Bolsonaro (no party affiliation). The live conversation was rebroadcast on the president's social media.
The journalist has already admitted to having reported, on his blog, a fake news story against federal deputy Marco Feliciano (PSC/SP), which would have harmed him in assuming the ministry that is currently occupied by Damares.
Oswaldo Eustáquio says he has already slandered opponents at her request and that, now, he is also trying to embarrass her with intimate indiscretions with evangelicals. com