StartApplicationA completely free app that teaches you how to crochet online

A completely free app that teaches you how to crochet online


Did you know you can learn to crochet online completely free of charge? To make crochet pieces, you must use cotton thread braiding techniques, using needles that have a small hook at the tip.

This is a very manual activity, and it seems very difficult to learn. However, you can use various applications and learn how to make personalized and unique pieces. This will add a lot of value to the product.

Crochet is a typical traditional Brazilian craft that appears in everyday life in the form of decorations on rugs, tablecloths, bath towels and napkin rods and even clothes.

To solve the problem of not having enough time to take classes and learn to crochet, people have opted for online classes via video or apps. The best part is that some of these apps are free!

How was crochet invented?

There are several stories about how crochet came about. The most famous story is that crochet originated in France in the 19th century and was made by humble people. For this reason, for a long time it ended up being undervalued.

Knowledge of the stitches has been passed down from generation to generation. In the past, children aged 6 to 7 learned to crochet and were then able to start helping their families earn a living.

To this day, many families maintain the tradition. This is because crocheting can have emotional value when doing craft activities with your children and grandchildren. And with the advent of technology in people's lives, it becomes easier to learn and practice.

What are the advantages of learning crochet online?

The first advantage is the convenience that the internet offers for you to study anytime and anywhere. Furthermore, since most of the classes are recorded videos, you can watch them as many times as you want until you correctly learn how to execute the techniques and stitches.

Plus, by using an app, you can learn and make crochet an additional source of income for your family. That said, you can still get a lot out of your work when you take the time to make beautiful pieces.

How to learn to crochet online

There is an app called “Crochet Lessons Step by Step” that teaches you how to crochet, from basic to advanced techniques. The lessons are very instructive and simple, and you can learn all the most common crochet stitches.

The app is very easy to use, even for people who already know how to crochet but want to learn new stitches and techniques, or remember those they have forgotten.

In addition, the app teaches you how to crochet, knit and even embroider using a wide range of materials in a professional manner, so that you can even create pieces to sell and guarantee extra income at the end of the month.

How to download an app to learn how to crochet

To download the app, simply go to the Play Store (if you’re on Android) or the App Store (if you’re on iOS) and search for “Curso de Crochê Passo a Passo”. It also appears if you just search for the word “crochet”. You’ll find that it’s one of the highest rated and most downloaded apps.

All it takes is a quick free download and sign up. Once registered, you can start taking lessons and most importantly: practicing your skills.

I can even learn to crochet from scratch with an app

Crochet is a craft that requires a steady hand, but at the same time refinement and motor coordination, all of which can be developed with training and dedication.

Some people do it more easily and even seem to be born with it. But with practice and dedication, anyone can learn and make beautiful creations, whether to sell, to give as gifts or just to have fun and pass the time.

Anyone who thinks that crochet is an activity for elderly ladies is mistaken. Men and women of all ages can learn. The minimum requirement is knowing how to hold a needle and thread and having a lot of imagination and creativity to make a piece.


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