StartWithout categoryMarco Aurélio stands up and says that the STF must stop...

Marco Aurélio goes head to head and says that the STF must stop hindering the Bolsonaro Government


Minister Marco Aurélio Mello, of the Federal Supreme Court (STF), took a stand against the Supreme Court's actions in interfering in the jurisdiction of other branches of government to respond to requests from small parties that, according to the minister, are trying to “harass” President Jair Bolsonaro.

Basically, Marco Aurélio understands that the STF must stop interfering in the Federal Government at the whim of the opposition.

“The Supreme Court is being called upon by small parties, which do not appear in the National Congress as they should, with the aim of lashing out at the President of the Republic, hence the need for the Supreme Court to recognize this maneuver, which is not a healthy maneuver, and to observe above all self-restraint, not to invade a sphere that is not its own, the Supreme Court,” he said.

Furthermore, on the morning of Friday (11), the minister criticized the president of the Court, Luiz Fux, who, according to him, intercepted a petition from former president Lula's lawyers that had been sent to his office, but ended up being passed on to Minister Fux.
“The Judicial Secretariat has always forwarded petitions to their intended recipients. It so happens that the attached document, from the petitioners Cristiano Zanin Martins and others [Lula’s lawyers], alluding to a habeas corpus petition with former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva as the patient, dated May 31 of this year, addressed to me, did not receive the appropriate processing. It was “intercepted” and forwarded directly to the Presidency, to Your Excellency’s office,” wrote Marco Aurélio Mello in a letter.

It's very strange to see any STF minister opening his mouth to say something sensible...

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Original source: Bandeira Viva

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