According to information gathered from other believers at the temple, the young woman was feeling pain when the preacher offered to show the power of his faith. The incident took place in Manaus.
Pastor José Raimundo da Silveira, 42, was indicted by the Carauari Police (702 kilometers from Manaus) for causing bodily harm to a member of the evangelical church. During a service, Silveira threw Juliana Martins Costa, 28, to the ground with the intention of curing her of a spinal discomfort.
According to information gathered from other believers in the temple, the young woman was feeling pain when the preacher offered to show the power of his faith.
Relying on the strength of her faith and physical strength, Silveira said that she would be “healed by God” if she were thrown to the ground. Juliana is quadriplegic and has lost the use of her legs.
The family wanted to indict the priest for intentional bodily harm, when there is intent to kill, but the police registered the case only as bodily harm.
This publication has as its original source: newsrondonia