StartBenefitsSee how to win a Digital Antenna for free

See how to win a Digital Antenna for free


Have you ever imagined? win a completely free digital antenna to use in your home? This is one of the aids that the government makes available to some families.

Who doesn't like watching a good television program at the end of the day or on the weekend to relax, right?

In today's article you will discover how to acquire one free digital antenna and will also answer all your questions about image quality and much more. 

Almost all televisions in Brazilian homes have digital technology, but not everyone can afford a modern television, and with this in mind, a free digital antenna kit was developed. 

You will see that it is very simple to get a free digital antenna kit and how the image and sound will change the way you watch television today. Stay with us and find out everything about this subject. 

Source: Google images.

Digital Technology

In the past, open channels were transmitted by the famous satellite dish, also known as C-band. And with the arrival of 5G technology, this transmission changed and the devices replaced the older models. This ended up bringing better signal, sound and image quality. 

But it is not easy to obtain a digital antenna kit, or a digital signal converter, especially for low-income families, because some models are quite expensive. 

It is also important to highlight that the free digital antenna kit only provides access to free-to-air TV channels, and there are no other closed TV channels that are broadcast by it. 

Single Registry 

The single registry serves many purposes, and will also serve to provide low-income families with digital antenna kit. After all, the right to quality information is also part of the routine of Brazilians and information must reach everyone equally. 

The main objective of distributing this free digital antenna kit is to bring quality sound and image to everyone, including those who cannot afford the cost of a converter.

The open analog signal is gradually being canceled and therefore everyone will have to purchase a digital converter. However, this migration will have to be done gradually, to give time to update all devices. 

Sound Image and Quality

Anyone who still uses a satellite dish will have noticed that the image and sound have changed and some channels are now broadcasting a message informing that a change in technology is necessary. 

But what should be done to acquire this new digital antenna kit? Initially, only the capitals are releasing the kit to Brazilian families. 

You must be part of the federal government's single registry to prove your need for government assistance and thus acquire the digital antenna free of charge. 

Purchasing the Free Digital Antenna Kit

It is also necessary to have a satellite dish connected to a TV inside the house, in order to exchange receivers and the kits will only be distributed to families that have an income below three minimum wages. 

Remember that the kits will be released gradually as resources arrive, but the idea is that whoever needs them will receive the kit. The truth is that with the change from the C Band to the 5G Band, the transmission of the channels will go to the 5G band. 

Therefore, the devices must be replaced with more modern ones, thus ensuring free programming. By replacing the satellite dish and converter, you will have digital TV transmission, which guarantees better sound and image quality. 

Do I Need to Replace My Equipment?

If you have a conventional satellite dish, you will need to replace it with a new digital satellite dish. However, if you already have an indoor antenna that is installed next to your TV, or an outdoor antenna that is installed on the roof, you already have access to digital TV and do not need to make any changes.

Or if you already have a cable TV, you don't need to make any changes either. The benefits of switching are many: clearer images, better sound quality, more technology, modern equipment, new channels and regional programming and best of all: all this for free. 

How to register to receive?

The first step is to go to the CadÚnico closest to your home. In order to access the benefit, you need to register with CadÚnico, which can only be done in person at service points or at Social Assistance Reference Centers (CRAS).

To register, you must go through an interview with an attendant and present documents that prove that you meet the necessary conditions to be part of the program. 

The person responsible for the family must be at least 16 years old, have a voter registration card or CPF and be a woman, preferably. It is also important to have an ID, marriage and birth certificate, CPF, work card, voter registration card, and administrative indigenous birth registry (RANI) if the person is indigenous.


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