Did you know there is a government aid worth R$ 1,200 for single mothers? Follow this article and learn all about this government benefit.
Most girls dream of having a successful career first, then meeting the love of their life, getting married and having children, in that order. But that’s not always what happens.
Many end up having children before having a career, and marriage is something that doesn't even cross their minds anymore. But although it may seem strange at first, single mothers, or also known as solo mothers, are also very happy with the life they have.
But it is a fact that single mothers face prejudice all the time, just because they dared to have children without a marriage that justifies the child's existence. In this case, everyone puts women in this position as if they were all the same – and that is when a label is needed.
We don't even need to repeat the insults that sexist people impose on mothers who raise children alone, but is it worth leading a life that isn't worth it for a man just because you're married? Probably not.
It's not easy being a single mother

No one said it was easy to raise a child alone, because people put you down every day, they judge who you are without even knowing you. They always treat you like a poor abandoned child or like a smartass who has no place in the carousel of prejudices.
The truth is that this mother gives herself completely every day, and even stops existing as a person so that her son can grow up with dignity and be a good person.
Women also need to work, pay the bills, take care of the house, rest, and sleep when they can. It's difficult because there's not enough time in their schedule for so many things that need to be done so that the child can continue to grow up healthy and happy.
Being a single mother is already difficult due to all these factors, but it is even more difficult when the mother needs to take care of her children and therefore cannot have a job.
Understand how Auxílio Brasil works for single mothers
There is a Bill No. 2099/20 that provides for the payment of R$1,200.00 to single mothers and heads of households, which is still being processed for approval. There are currently more than 11 million mothers in Brazil who do not have a formal job.
Dealing with the responsibility of being a mother without the father's collaboration is very difficult, so there are some benefits that women can request to help raise their children, let's see what they are.
Auxilio Brasil is a Federal Government program that came to replace Bolsa Família (and now with the new Government it will probably go back to being called Bolsa Família) where the government pays R$$ 600.00 to its beneficiaries.
To receive the benefit, you must be registered with Cadúnico for social programs. This registration can be done in the Single Registry of your city.
Family Allowance and Mothers of Goiás Program
Family allowance is an amount paid to those who are employed and to casual workers, depending on the number of children or equivalent they have. The amount is adjusted according to the increase in inflation and the correction of the minimum wage.
To receive it, you must have children of any condition under 14 years of age or have a monthly income below the limit for receiving the benefit.
The Mães de Goiás Program grants the amount of R$250 per month to mothers or guardians of children aged zero to six years old living in extreme poverty, and represents an investment of R$330 million reais to the state government.
This program is aimed at mothers who live in Goiás and are registered with Cadúnico, who have children aged 0 to 6 and are in a situation of social vulnerability. To find out whether or not you meet the criteria, it is recommended that you contact the CRAS in your city.
Single mother aid 2023
And what is missing for the single mother benefit to be approved? Now that the Bolsa Família calendar has been released, the expectation remains as to whether the Permanent Aid of R$1,200.00 will be paid by President Lula's Government.
The Single Mother Aid was inspired by the Emergency Aid, which was R$ 600.00 but single mothers received R$ 1200. To register you must be at least 18 years old and not be an INSS beneficiary.
You also cannot be receiving unemployment insurance, have a partner or husband, and be registered with Cadúnico. Your monthly income cannot exceed half the minimum wage and you must have at least one child under the age of eighteen under your responsibility.
It is also important that there is no employment record. Self-employed women, registered as MEI and unemployed women also receive the benefit.
The aid is currently being processed in the Federal Senate and there is no expected date for the benefit to be released. There was an expectation for January 2023, but it was not confirmed.
For it to be released, it must pass through the Senate, then the Chamber of Deputies and finally receive the sanction of the President of the Republic. All that remains is to wait anxiously for approval!