We all know that the years 2020 and 2021 were marked by the pandemic and those who already lived in low-income situations found themselves in a very precarious situation. Considering this situation, the Government of the State of Amazonas created a new aid, which aims to offer a better quality of life to the population.
Through financial support, and aiming to prevent the worsening of the financial crisis, several state governments and many city governments created aid to lessen the effects on Brazilians. These aids ended up providing monthly payments to registered families.
State aid supports citizens in vulnerable situations, but there are conditions that must be met to be a beneficiary, as well as an approval process to receive the aid in question.
Let's understand how State Aid works

As we said above, not only in Brazil, but throughout the world, there was a strong economic crisis during the pandemic. Now that it is more under control in terms of health, we are still suffering from the economic effects that remained, and we still see millions of families that find themselves in a situation of financial vulnerability.
These families live in unfavorable conditions and their basic survival is very precarious. The Federal Government acted in this sense by creating Emergency Aid, but even so, this was not enough. Given this, many state governments chose to create aid in their states aimed at the needs of the local population.
This is the situation with the Amazonas State Aid. We will talk more about it later, but we can already say that this benefit aims to provide financial support to families in situations of economic vulnerability. This payment is made monthly, and the beneficiaries of the program receive an amount that helps with their income.
Aid helps more than 300 thousand families
The aid was announced in 2021 by the governor of Amazonas, and began to be paid in installments of R$150.00. The first deposit was made in November of the same year, and in total there were approximately more than 158 thousand beneficiaries in Manaus and 142 thousand spread across other cities in the interior of the state.
The intention was to make the aid permanent, after all it was created to guarantee food security and social protection for local citizens. The Bill was approved by the Legislative Assembly of Amazonas and the governor celebrated the achievement, emphasizing the effort and commitment to make the program a reality.
It was necessary to help people in this difficult time, as it was not yet possible to return to “normal”. Many people became unemployed or were no longer able to sell their products and services.
Who is eligible for the Aid and how to apply?
To be eligible, interested parties must be registered in the Federal Government's Single Registry (CadÚnico), and to do so, they must elect a family member over 18 years of age, who is preferably a Bolsa Família beneficiary.
Per capita income cannot be greater than half the minimum wage and it is important to emphasize that families that include people with disabilities and that have women or elderly people as their guardians will have priority in receiving the amount.
The number of dependents influences the decision to grant or not the benefit. The aid is made available through a Caixa Econômica Federal card, which is distributed to beneficiaries after registration, due analysis and final granting. Everything is done in stages.
The money can be used to buy food, personal hygiene items and whatever else you need for your home, as long as they are sold in establishments accredited by the Amazonas state government.
Family representatives who have cars registered in their name and who are registered on the state payroll will be ineligible. The family representative also cannot be identified in Sisobi (Death Control System).
The importance of keeping your registration up to date
It is very important to always keep your registration updated on CadÚnico so that it can be identified whether you and your family are part of the economic income situation of “extreme poverty” and “poverty”.
Another important point is the address. The card is delivered to your home, so you don't need to go to the CRAS (Social Assistance Reference Center), the Community Center, the Bank or any other place to get the card. To avoid crowds, it is easier to send it by mail, in the case of the interior.
In Manaus, home delivery is carried out by employees of the FPS – Social Promotion and Poverty Eradication Fund and Seas (State Secretariat for Social Welfare). With this assistance, families can buy what they need at home and thus ensure greater food security.
In total, more than 100 families have benefited in Amazonas and the idea is for the program to continue. To check if your family is part of the program, just visit the website and provide your date of birth and CPF. On this website you can also check accredited establishments.
This detail is important, as not just any place accepts the card. It is only possible to use the card in establishments that have been accredited by the State Government, and this helps to ensure that the amount is not used inappropriately.