Check out the 4 government benefits for those who are unemployed, we will show you in this article the best government benefits for the unemployed, indicating how and what is necessary to achieve it.
According to the Continuous National Household Sample Survey (PNAD Contínua), released by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) in February 2023, the unemployment rate in Brazil was 10.5% in the quarter ending in January 2023.
This represents a 0.3 percentage point drop from the previous quarter (October to December 2022), when the unemployment rate was 10.8%.
According to the IBGE, the unemployed population in Brazil was 10.9 million people in the quarter ending in January 2023, a drop of 5.4% compared to the previous quarter.
On the other hand, the employed population in the country stood at 93.1 million people, an increase of 1.3% compared to the previous quarter. We can see that there was an improvement and a decrease in the unemployment rate.
In any case, it is important to highlight that the Brazilian labor market still faces challenges, such as informality and low pay, which significantly affect workers’ quality of life.
How does the Brazilian government help unemployed people?

There is 4 government benefits for the unemployed, and in addition to these, there are several other actions to help unemployed people in Brazil, such as actions to promote the economy and entrepreneurship, job creation policies, among others.
On the issue of professional qualification, the Ministry of Labor and Employment offers free professional qualification courses for those who are unemployed, with the aim of increasing the qualifications of workers, making them more capable of finding a new job.
Regarding credit, the federal government has microcredit programs for entrepreneurs and informal workers who have difficulty obtaining loans from banks. The objective here is not only to grant credit, but also to encourage the generation of employment and income.
Unemployment insurance
Unemployment insurance is the most well-known benefit, which is paid to all workers who have been dismissed without just cause. Its purpose is to provide a temporary financial assistance to workers who lost his job, until he gets a new one.
This benefit can be requested online, on the portal Employ Brazil or in person at service points of the Ministry of Economy, Regional Superintendence of Labor and Employment or in agencies of the National Employment System (SINE).
To be entitled to unemployment insurance in addition to being dismissed without just cause, you must have received a salary for at least 12 months in the last 18 months prior to dismissal, and you cannot be receiving continued benefit from Social Security, nor have another source of income.
It is important to remember that unemployment insurance is a temporary benefit and that the worker must be looking for work to continue receiving the payments. In addition, the benefit may be cancelled if the worker fails to comply with any of the requirements set out in the legislation.
Sickness Benefit
This is a benefit paid by the INSS to workers who are temporarily unable to work due to illness or accident. Sickness benefit aims to provide financial assistance to the worker during the period in which he or she is unable to work.
If the worker is unemployed at the time of the layoff, he/she must present a document proving the unemployment situation, such as a copy of the work card or a document issued by the agency responsible for unemployment insurance.
Continuous Benefit Payment (BPC)
It is an assistance benefit paid by the federal government to people with disabilities and elderly people over 65 years old who prove that they are unable to support themselves or have a caregiver who can. The value of the BPC is a minimum wage and aims to guarantee a minimum income for these people.
If the person is unemployed and meets these requirements, they can apply for BPC. The benefit is paid monthly and the amount corresponds to the current minimum wage. R$ 1,100.00.
It is important to highlight that, even if the person is unemployed, they need to prove their situation of social and economic vulnerability to be entitled to the benefit.
Family Grant 2023
Finally, we have Bolsa Família, which is one of the most popular programs and aims to combat poverty and social inequality by offering financial aid to low-income families.
If the person is unemployed and meets the eligibility criteria for the program, they may receive Bolsa Família. The amount of the benefit varies according to the family profile and can reach up to R$ 375.00 per month.
Families with children up to 7 years old receive an additional value and families with teenagers aged 16 and 17 as well. To register for Bolsa Família, the person must look for the CRAS or the Department of Social Welfare of the municipality where you reside.
It is necessary to present the necessary documentation, such as ID, CPF, proof of residence and work card. After registration, the family is evaluated by the government and, if approved, begins to receive the benefit monthly.