A day that will never be forgotten. Members of parliament dug their own grave. After the deputies voted to keep their colleague Daniel Silveira in office,…
A day that will never be forgotten.
Parliamentarians dug their own grave. After the deputies voted to keep their colleague Daniel Silveira, annihilating parliamentary immunity, the rule will now apply to everyone.
364 deputies shot themselves in the foot. The Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, Arthur Lira (PP-AL), announced the formation of a multi-party committee to “clarify the extent of the scope” of parliamentary immunity. Lira’s decision comes after the House decided, by majority vote, to keep congressman Daniel Silveira (PSL-RJ) in prison. “This is so that cases like this don’t happen again,” he explained.
The committee will be formed by members of parliament from all parties and will focus on analyzing Article 53 of the Federal Constitution, which deals with the criminal inviolability of deputies and senators for their votes and opinions. The committee will also evaluate the issue from the perspective of the Supreme Federal Court (STF), which ordered the arrest of the member of parliament, who had posted a video on social media criticizing the stance of the Court's ministers.
Discreet and measured, Lira avoided giving his opinion on Silveira's situation, but said that the ministers' decision to unilaterally arrest the parliamentarian will be discussed in the committee. And he said:
“We are the ones who make the laws. The Judiciary judges and the Executive executes,” he stated, already warning that legislative changes are not the responsibility of the Judiciary, but of the National Congress.