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Anvisa 'pulls Doria's ear' and exposes the truth about the Chinese vaccine: “It did not deliver results”


Photo: Internet

After João Doria (Governor of SP) made controversial statements about vaccinating the population without Anvisa certification, the agency took a stand and harshly rejected the PSDB member's idea.

In an official note, Anvisa states that there are many points to be evaluated that are not taken into account by agencies in other countries.

According to the agency, “evidence that the vaccine is effective and safe in Brazilians; technical-operational conditions of the vaccine factory; validity period and quality measures for preserving the vaccine, considering the climatic conditions of our country; measures for monitoring and treating side effects of the vaccine that occur in individuals vaccinated here in Brazil” must be analyzed by everyone.

“Even after registration in another country, Anvisa’s assessment is necessary to verify points that are not assessed by other international agencies,” the text adds.

Anvisa also states that it makes a point of listing all the complications that still prevent the Chinese vaccine from being approved for use in Brazil.

“The Butantan Institute did not deliver the results of any phase of clinical research with human beings to Anvisa; to date, Anvisa has only received pre-clinical data, which is data prior to testing with human beings, contrary to what was stated that data relating to phase 3 had already been delivered; in a meeting held between the Agency and the Butantan Institute, this Thursday (26), Butantan stated that the package of information necessary for the evaluation of the vaccine has not yet been completed by the Institute”, he highlights.

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