StartWithout categoryURGENT: Court orders Twitter to ban writer who called for Bolsonaro's hanging

URGENT: Court orders Twitter to ban writer who called for Bolsonaro's hanging


Photo: Internet

Writer “clearly incited violence against a large part of the population”, says judge.

The Rio de Janeiro Court ordered the removal of writer João Paulo Cuenca's profile on the social network Twitter. 

The decision was motivated by a publication in which Cuenca called for the hanging of the President of the Republic, Jair Bolsonaro, and his family.

“Brazilians will only be free when the last Bolsonaro is hanged on the guts of the last pastor of the Universal Church,” wrote Cuenca. 

The exclusion decision was made by judge Ralph Machado Manhães Junior, from the district of Campos dos Goytacazes (RJ). 

The judge is responsible for the case in which the pastor of the Universal Church, Nailton Luiz dos Santos, is asking for compensation for moral damages in the amount of R$10,000 due to the post, in addition to the removal of the writer's account from the social network. 

According to the judge, the account should be banned because “despite the constitutional right to freedom of expression being recognized, in the case at hand, there is an extrapolation of said right, as the defendant's post is offensive”. 

According to the judge's decision, the writer “clearly incited violence against a large part of the population”. 

In his defense, João Paulo Cuenca claims that he was paraphrasing a text by Jean Meslier, an 18th century author. 

“Man will only be free when the last king is hanged on the guts of the last priest,” said Meslier’s original writings.

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