StartWithout categoryURGENT: Pastor flies into church during service and surprises faithful (...

URGENT: Pastor flies into church during service and surprises the faithful (Video)


Photo: Internet

Pastor Bartholomew Orr, from Brown Baptist Church, in Mississippi, United States, had a video released that surpassed seven million views, on the church's Facebook page alone, there were around 2.5 million.

The pastor wanted to draw attention to the message he had about the rapture, showing that everyone must be ready for that moment.

During the surprise, the pastor asked, “Are you ready? Are you ready for the Lord’s return?” as he flew over the congregation.

“This fits with the message I was preaching,” “What better way to say that He is coming back and you need to be ready for His return?” the pastor asked.

Orr received numerous criticisms from various Christians, who accused him of implanting heresy in the church, when his role was simply to preach the word.

According to critics, the pastor wanted to “promote” himself by drawing attention from those around him, as he had become known as the “flying preacher”.

The pastor said he doesn't care about the criticism and just wants people to see the message he wanted to convey in the presentation.

Using proper equipment, he was suspended by steel cables. Orr preached and sang, calling on the faithful to experience something similar when Jesus comes for them. 

Watch the full video;


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