The President of the Republic, Jair Messias Bolsonaro, made a call to the iconic mayor of the city of Colatina, Sérginho Meneguelli, and invited him to lunch in Brasília. The meeting is scheduled to take place next Wednesday (02).
“Bolsonaro’s call was a pleasant surprise. As mayor, I didn’t expect to receive contact from the President of the Republic,” said Serginho.
The theme of the meeting, however, has not yet been revealed, but Meneguelli said he will take advantage of the opportunity to talk about matters in his municipality, such as revenue and infrastructure.
“I will not miss the opportunity to bring something to Colatina. I intend to talk about the concession of two warehouses of the Brazilian Coffee Institute (IBC), which can be auctioned by the Union, in addition to discussing resources to carry out infrastructure works for the municipality,” he said.
The mayor is expected to travel to the country's federal capital on the morning of December 2nd, and is expected to stay there until the weekend.