StartWithout category“We have complete trust in electronic voting machines,” says Rodrigo Maia

“We have complete trust in electronic voting machines,” says Rodrigo Maia


Photo: Internet

The President of the Chamber, Deputy Rodrigo Maia (DEM-RJ), defended, this Wednesday (18), the actions of the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) in the first round of the municipal elections.

“We trust the TSE, we trust the electronic voting machines”, says deputy and president of the Chamber.

“We cannot in any way expand a debate by creating any kind of insecurity in the TSE counting process. We trust the TSE, we trust the electronic voting machines, we trust the work of the TSE presidents, the last ones and Barroso.”

“So, we must be careful not to bring up the debate on printed voting – which many people defend and which I have defended – at this time, when there has been a clear attempt, not by the President of the Republic, but an objective attempt, from my point of view, to create an environment of insecurity for the work of the TSE.”

“Even though I am a defender of printed voting, as I am, we should in no way mix a problem that arose yesterday, which was quickly resolved, with creating insecurity and distrust in our electoral system, which is praised in many countries.”

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