Resignation or impeachment: Lula says Bolsonaro is no longer fit to govern the country
“He doesn’t want the truth. He wants to create chaos,” warned Lula
Former President Lula and former Education Minister Fernando Haddad held a live broadcast this Wednesday commenting on the new coronavirus crisis and President Jair Bolsonaro's stance.
Lula harshly criticized the way the former captain has dealt with the outbreak of the disease and suggested the end of the government. “Either this citizen resigns, or impeach him, because it is not possible that someone would be so irresponsible as to play with the lives of millions of people,” he declared.
“The political parties, not just the left-wing ones, all of the National Congress, must start discussing very seriously what will happen with Bolsonaro,” said the former president.
For the former president, Bolsonaro's speech was a “demonstration of tremendous political ineptitude”. “He wasn't worried about the coronavirus. He is worried about himself. He was worried about the audience he wanted to address in order to maintain the climate of tension”, he declared.
“The statement heightens tensions against governors and mayors,” he added.
According to Lula, Bolsonaro never made a point of thinking about everyone. “He was elected by a certain group and he governs trying to respond to a small group, always with an angry speech,” he said.
The former president also criticized the stance of the National Confederation of Industries. “The union movement should go after the CNI. How can it have the courage, in a time of crisis like this, to try to give workers a 'free pass' and make them work and make them go 4 months without receiving a salary?” he said.