You know that feeling of trying to remember the date of your last period or guessing when your next one will arrive? Have you ever wondered if those mood changes or that slight cramping are related to a specific phase of your cycle?
Fortunately, in the world of applications, there are incredible allies to help us with these questions. In this article, we will explore the menstrual calendar apps who are making a difference in the lives of many women.
Whether you're planning a trip or just understanding your own body better, these apps are powerful tools. Are you curious? Follow us and discover how these apps can help you month by month!
Concept and purpose of menstrual control apps

Menstrual tracking apps are like digital diaries focused on everything involving the menstrual cycle. Instead of writing it down on pieces of paper or diaries, you enter information about your period directly on your cell phone.
The cool thing about these apps is that they not only help predict when your next period will arrive, avoiding surprises, but also allowing you to better understand the changes and symptoms that your body presents throughout the month.
Many women also use them to plan or avoid pregnancy, as they help identify the most fertile periods. Plus, if you notice anything different about your cycle, having a full log in the app can be super helpful to show your doctor.
Benefits and advantages of having digital cycle control
Having a digital control of your menstrual cycle on your cell phone is like having a personal assistant for everything involving your period. First, you no longer need to rely on memory or loose notes to remember when your period will start, as the app gives you an alert.
And you know those mood swings or small changes that we feel and don't always associate with the cycle? With the app, you start identify patterns and understand your body better.
Furthermore, if you are trying to get pregnant or just avoid pregnancy, digital control helps you identify the days more fertile.
And one of the great advantages is having a complete and organized record, which can be super useful in a medical appointment. It's more practicality and knowledge about yourself, all within reach of a touch on the screen.
5 most popular menstrual calendar apps
Flo It is one of the most downloaded apps out there. In addition to tracking your period, it also gives you health tips and lets you enter daily symptoms and moods.
O Clue It has a very intuitive design. It helps predict menstruation, ovulation and even gives information about premenstrual syndrome.
With a super cute interface, the My Calendar allows you to record symptoms, mood, and even flow intensity. It's like a diary, only focused on the menstrual cycle.
If you are trying to get pregnant, the OvuView could be a helping hand. It focuses a lot on ovulation and the most fertile days, but it can also be used to track menstruation.
O WomanLog is another very popular app for tracking your cycle. It has several cool functions, from menstruation prediction to alarms to remind you to take your contraceptive.
Remembering that the best application is the one that fits your needs. It's worth downloading and testing to see which one you like best!
Most common features in menstruation apps
Menstruation apps are like multipurpose tools to help us understand and manage our menstrual cycle. One of the coolest things that almost all of them do is predict the date of your next period, which is super useful to avoid surprises.
Many also have alerts, so the app warns you just before your period starts. Furthermore, they usually allow us to record symptoms such as cramping, bloating or mood changes, which helps you understand patterns and know what to expect at each phase of the cycle.
And for those trying to get pregnant, many apps indicate ovulation days, that is, the days when the chance of getting pregnant is greater.
Oh, and we almost forgot: some even have reminders for those taking the pill contraceptive, so we don't forget to take it at the right time. Therefore, there are several cool functions that make life easier and connect us more with our body.