StartBolsonaroBrazil becomes the second most well-regarded country abroad

Brazil becomes the second most well-regarded country abroad


Photo: Internet

Economy Minister Paulo Guedes stated that Brazil is being well regarded abroad, in relation to the economic measures adopted by the government during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The government managed to maintain hospitals and boost the economy without the country's economic sense collapsing. But it didn't stop there. The president also put on a show of overcoming the gaps left by previous governments. 

Today, Brazil is one of the most well-regarded countries abroad, it is a good country to live in!

The country's biggest problem is the politicians and the corrupt justice system we currently have.

“Brazil came back at breakneck speed, it was a V-shaped recovery, Brazil hit rock bottom and came back, creating 300,000 companies last month, 250,000 jobs, so we are coming back, Brazil is coming back, this was thanks to this speed of response,” said Paulo Guedes.

Watch the video below with the full report from the Jovem Pam News Program and find out more news about the Minister of Economy.


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