StartWithout categoryURGENT: Allan dos Santos attacks generals and breaks with Bolsonaro

URGENT: Allan dos Santos attacks generals and breaks with Bolsonaro


Photo: Internet

Blogger Allan dos Santos, owner of the YouTube channel Terça Livre, threatened to break off relations with President Jair Bolsonaro, after the publication of the new text of the ordinance that regulates abortion in cases of rape in Brazil.

In his post, Allan dos Santos, linked to conservative movements against the practice of abortion, also called the Minister of Health, General Eduardo Pazuello, a scoundrel. 

'I sent this to the president's personal WhatsApp: NEVER CALL ME AGAIN', wrote the YouTuber.

When a PSOL in life forces the STF it is one thing. When a MINISTER OF THE PRESIDENT @jairbolsonaro facilitating ABORTION is UNACCEPTABLE. I sent this to the president's personal WhatsApp: NEVER CALL ME AGAIN.

— Allan Dos Santos 🇧🇷🇺🇸 (@allanldsantos) September 24, 2020

After his outburst, the blogger's tone changed and he even shared a message from federal deputy Otoni de Paula (PSC-RJ), in which he reaffirms his support for the president and believes that the text of the ordinance is correct. Allan also sent a new message to the president criticizing the military members who are part of the government:

But Allan dos Santos didn't like the idea of breaking with the president and attacked the website “RenovaMídia” where its editor Tarciso Morais posted a note saying that the YouTube channel of Tuesday Free had broken with Bolsonaro and attacked the General.
See the message that Allan sends:

Renova Media says:
“Allan dos Santos attacks generals and breaks with Bolsonaro.”

In the words of the man himself @allanldsantos.

— Fiuza Pistol (@FiuzaPistola) September 24, 2020


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