StartBolsonaroURGENT: “Bolsonaro kill his daughter Laura, his wife Michele, then commit suicide,...

URGENT: “Bolsonaro kill his daughter Laura, his wife Michele, then commit suicide using rat poison”, says professor on social media


Photo: Internet

Teacher of what, of evil, of perversity, of inhumanity…. That is why we have so many young people being indoctrinated with the inversion of values.

Public universities, which look more like prisons, are taught by these monsters who preach cruelty and gender ideology.
Professor chickens out and says he was wrong to ask the president to take the rat poison “Ri do Rato” Júlio Bernardes, who today used his Facebook to recommend that Bolsonaro kill his daughter Laura, his wife Michele and then commit suicide, using rat poison, shocked and revolted the city.

See the teacher's post and verbal abuser;

Teacher of what, of evil, of perversity, of inhumanity…. That is why we have so many young people being indoctrinated with the inversion of values.

— Francis B. (@Francis08126685) July 9, 2020


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