Regardless of these pleasantries and jokes, from the moment the pregnancy test is positive, the woman's first mission is to start taking specific care and carry out all the necessary exams for pregnancy. your baby's health.
During the nine months, several tests are necessary, such as urine, feces, blood tests, as well as ultrasound, which is used to evaluate the baby's anatomy. It is with these exams that many mothers confirm whether the app got the baby's sex right.
Surely you must be curious to know what these apps are that find out the baby's sex, right? How they work is simple, just fill in some details and answer some questions and the answer will be in the palm of your hand.
Apps to Find Out Baby's Sex
There are now several apps that promise to help parents find out the sex of their baby before the ultrasound, based on methods such as Chinese tables, age calculations, and conception date. While these apps are fun and popular, it is important to remember that they are not a substitute for medical tests, such as an ultrasound, which are necessary for an accurate confirmation. Below, check out some of the most popular apps for predicting the sex of your baby.
1.Boy or Girl Calculator
Available for: Brazil
This app makes predictions based on Chinese tables and other popular theories.
2. BabyCenter Baby Gender Calculator
Available for: Brazil, United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, India, Mexico, Germany, France and Spain.
BabyCenter is one of the most popular apps, with predictions based on calendars and other methods.
3. Baby Sex Prediction
Available for: Brazil
Another Brazilian application that uses formulas and calculations based on the mother's age and date of conception.
Available for: United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Germany and France.
Although it is more focused on baby care, the Pampers app also offers a baby gender prediction tool, based on tables and calculations. It is available in several countries.