StartBolsonaroSURVEY: Levy Fidelix (PRTB) appears in survey ahead of Joice...

SURVEY: Levy Fidelix (PRTB) appears in the survey ahead of Joice and Sabará, basically stuck to Mamãe Falei.


Levy Fidelix (PRTB) has already surpassed Joice and Sabará in the race for mayor of São Paulo.

Photo: Internet

A survey carried out by Parana Pesquisa presents, less than three months before the first round of municipal elections, a survey in the capital of São Paulo, with possible names to contest the election.
Two types of scenarios were created, stimulated and spontaneous, and it is very important to highlight that in the spontaneous scenario, when the names of the candidates are not mentioned, the survey reveals that the voter has possibly not yet gotten into the mood or is waiting for the names to consolidate in the parties, since not all parties have presented pre-candidates for the 2020 municipal election. According to the survey, almost 70% of those interviewed do not know who to vote for, while almost 15% did not mention any candidate, that is, the election is open. 
We can already dream, because the scenario shows that if the Bolsonaro government enters this dispute, things can change. One thing is certain: Vice President Mourão has already signaled that he will do his job acting alongside Levy Fidelix, whose PRTB party is the same as the Vice President's. It is very important to emphasize that the Conservative Right is looking for a name they can trust, and in this scenario, Levy Fidelix (PRTB) appears, who in the stimulated scenario, already surpasses Joice Hasselmann (1%), Vera Lúcia (0.9%), Orlando Silva (0.8%), Filipe Sabará (0.5%) and Marcos Costa (0.3%). And more than that, because he is basically alongside Arthur do Val – Mamãe Falei (1.9%).
In the survey, the names of the current mayor and Celso Russomano are the ones that appear most, as one appears basically every day on TV, where he presents a daily program related to Consumer Protection and the other is the current mayor. 
Ultimately, the dispute is open and if conservatives, right-wingers and, most importantly, President Bolsonaro enter this dispute, expressing support for a conservative and right-wing candidate, this game changes.

They are letting us dream.

Photo: Left side Levy Fidelix / Right side Helison Brito
Party Vote, having a Conservative and Right-wing candidate in the election, helps the pre-candidates for councilor.
With the update of the electoral law, especially in relation to party coalitions, having a party vote has become extremely important, since party coalitions are only available in the Majority, that is, there is no longer a coalition between council members. Not to mention that in the city of São Paulo it is very difficult to be elected council member, since there are more than 11 million inhabitants and it is very complicated for a candidate for council member to travel all over the city to ask for votes.
The pre-candidate will have to have a good connection with the mayoral candidate of his party, and more than that, this mayor will have to have a good vote, as this will greatly help the pre-candidates.
Levy Fidelix can put together a very strong ticket, which includes numerous conservative pre-candidates and legitimate right-wing Bolsonarists, such as: Helison Brito, Bruno Zambelli, Edson Salomão, among others, who, in addition to everything, have a great influence through social networks.
Ultimately, all of this is good news and could lead to a renewal in the city council and put more conservatives in line with President Bolsonaro.


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