StartPolicyTHE HOUSE FELL: All deputies voted in favor of the process of...

THE HOUSE FELL: All deputies voted in favor of the impeachment process against Witzel


Photo: Internet

The Alerj (Legislative Assembly of Rio de Janeiro) decided this Wednesday (10) to open impeachment proceedings against the governor of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Wilson Witzel. Of the 70 deputies present at the session, 69 spoke in favor of continuing the impeachment process against Witzel (only deputy Rosenverg Reis [MDB] abstained).

In their votes, practically all the deputies emphasized that this was “a sad day for Rio de Janeiro.” “I think this is the opportunity we will have to get explanations from the governor, and that is why I am voting yes,” said the president of the House.

Even deputies from the PSC, the governor's party, opted for the course of the investigations.
Witzel is in a dead end waiting to receive his future impeachment.


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