Bolsonaro and Paulo Guedes announced that micro and small businesses can now apply for credit offered through the National Support Program for Micro and Small Businesses (Pronampe).
The president really intends to work on the country's economy, promoting micro and small businesses.
The announcement was made today (10), in a press conference at the Planalto Palace, by the Special Secretariat for Productivity, Employment and Competitiveness of the Ministry of Economy, Federal Revenue and Banco do Brasil, the institution managing the fund.
The Program is intended for micro-enterprises and small businesses, as provided for in Complementary Law No. 123 of December 14, 2006. Credit operations may be used for investments and working capital, either alone or in association with investments. This means that micro and small businesses may use the funds obtained to make investments (acquire machinery and equipment, carry out renovations) and/or for operating expenses (employee salaries, payment of bills such as water, electricity, rent, purchase of raw materials, goods, among others).