StartBolsonaroBolsonaro confronts Supreme Court ministers and warns "There will be more operations...

Bolsonaro confronts Supreme Court ministers and warns “There will be more anti-corruption operations”


Photo: Internet

This Wednesday (27), the president made new comments that in fact show that Bolsonaro is confronting the ministers and thwarting the black capes' plan. 
The president shows that he did not come to play around and will do everything he can to end corruption in Brazil. This was the first time that Bolsonaro actually confronted the Supreme Court.

The STF, dirtier than a “chicken coop” and its ministers cheaper than rotten tomatoes, are trapped in their own hypocritical attitudes of releasing criminals like former president Lula.
Bolsonaro is the terror in the STF and the Hero of Brazilians who have been waiting a long time for a president who truly represents the true meaning of politics; leadership. 

The president made it very clear to the STF and also to the governor of RJ that new operations must be repeated throughout the period in which he is in command of the country.
Bolsonaro was also asked about the change in command of the PF. In response he said.
“The PF is taking action”

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