StartWithout categorySTF defends Sérgio Moro and Celso de Mello threatens the military

STF defends Sérgio Moro and Celso de Mello threatens the military


Photo: Internet

Ministers from the military wing of the government reacted to an excerpt from the decision by Supreme Court Justice Celso de Mello that authorized testimony from authorities in the investigation into President Jair Bolsonaro's political interference in the Federal Police (PF). The accusations were made by Sergio Moro when he announced his departure from the government — the former Justice Minister already gave testimony last week.

At the request of the PGR, Celso de Mello, rapporteur of the investigation, authorized the statements of Augusto Heleno, Braga Neto and Luiz Eduardo Ramos, as witnesses.

When analyzing the decision, according to the G1 found out, the trio was surprised by the passage that says that, “if the witnesses who have the prerogative based on art. 221 of the CPP, fail to appear, without just cause, on the date previously agreed upon by them with the federal police authority, they will lose such prerogative and, if a new date is rescheduled for their appearance within 05 (five) business days, they will be subject, like any citizen, regardless of the hierarchical degree they hold within the Republic, to coercive conduct or “under the rod”, as referred to in art. 95 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Empire of 1832, in line with what established a valuable precedent established by the Plenary of the Supreme Federal Court.”

The group, according to a report by G1, was irritated by the passage, considered it to be “disrespectful” and is considering reacting publicly to the STF minister.

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