StartWithout categoryJoice reveals her leftist side and praises Ciro Gomes' live: 'is...

Joice reveals her leftist side and praises Ciro Gomes' live: 'he's prepared!'


Photo: Internet

Joice is aligned with the mediocre left that is installed in the “core of corruption in Brazil”.

The deputy, considered by Bolsonaro supporters to be a “traitor to the country”, heaped praise on the defeated presidential candidate, Ciro Gomes.

Ciro and João Amoedo held a virtual debate on Globonews. It was supposed to be a discussion between opposing sides, but the two joined forces to attack Bolsonaro.

Joice said that Ciro is prepared and that he is the ''Lula who read''. 

''Everything he says in this video is true,'' the parliamentarian stated.

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