StartWithout categoryURGENT: Bolsonaro receives DEM president, and Rodrigo Maia ends up politically

URGENT: Bolsonaro receives DEM president, and Rodrigo Maia ends up politically


Photo: Internet

President Jair Bolsonaro is due to meet this Thursday (23 April 2020) with the president of the DEM and mayor of Salvador, ACM Neto, although this is not recorded in his official agenda until early in the morning.

Rodrigo Maia doesn't know where to put his face, much less where to hide from what's coming!

The president of the DEM is already prepared to talk to Bolsonaro and no one can guess what will happen next. 

Stay tuned for more information and see Maia ending up politically in an instant…

ACM Neto is an enemy of Bolsonaro, but it is very likely that Bolsonaro will make a master move to gain support and Maia will be defeated in the land.

Because Bolsonaro and his team are on a steady march to finally try to build a support base in Congress. The Planalto will offer the Centrão parties some extra participation in the federal administration.

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