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Globo journalist is forced to delete news about Maia and Gilmar Mendes meeting


Photo: Internet

The journalist appears to be an employee of Maia or even Gilmar Mendes. Not to mention that Globo may be an ally of both to overthrow Bolsonaro.

Something curious happened to O Globo journalist Guilherme Caetano. On Twitter, he mentioned a secret meeting between Rodrigo Maia and Gilmar Mendes on Sunday night.

However, as if by magic, he deleted the news. To justify it, he said that two sources gave him the same information, which is why he published it.

Globo is rushing its plans to overthrow Bolsonaro before losing its broadcast rights. Maia, on the other hand, appears to be working with Gilmar to plot the president's eventual impeachment.

As no one is stupid, the order to delete the news came from Rodrigo Maia, for the president of the Chamber this news could not be revealed.

And now where is Gilmar hiding?

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