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Aliexpress starts selling electric cars with prices starting at 25 thousand reais


Aliexpress has started selling electric cars, with prices starting at 25 thousand reais, with the promise of guaranteed delivery upon payment of a single shipping fee.

However, there are several requirements that must be met by both the buyer and the seller for the entire transaction to be completed successfully.
Furthermore, not all sellers are authorized to send a vehicle from abroad to Brazil, and prior authorization is required for any international express transport company that intends to operate customs clearance for international express shipments in the country.
Selling cars has a complex step-by-step process:

According to Jorge Luiz da Costa, tax auditor and chief inspector of the Federal Revenue division, there is a long step-by-step process for the legal import of a car.
According to the auditor, there are 5 steps to carry out this import, regardless of how the vehicle was purchased:
  • Qualification in Siscomex: stage where the Federal Revenue Service carries out the entire analysis of the importer and inspects the operation;
  • Obtaining Radar authorization: the applicant will ask the seller to issue a purchase intention with all buyer and seller data, called “Pro-forma Invoice”, and other information regarding the sale;
  • Obtain the necessary licenses: there are some licenses that must be obtained at the time of import, such as the one granted by IBAMA, as the car must meet specific requirements related to the environment, and if it is armored, it must also have authorization from the Army;
  • Import license: stage in which the importer requests the Import License from the responsible body.
  • Payment: Payment for the vehicle is made through an exchange contract. Upon confirmation of the deposit, the seller issues the commercial invoice and an export order.
All transport and customs clearance logistics are the responsibility of the courier company, in addition to collecting the goods from the sender's door, freight, national transport to the recipient's address, insurance and procedures carried out before RGB and other control bodies.
However, this does not affect the responsibility of importers/exporters in fulfilling the obligations provided for in customs legislation.
Real cost of electric vehicle
Although there are several electric models advertised on Aliexpress, with varying prices (between R$ 25 thousand and R$ 500 thousand), they all had a single shipping cost, below R$ 9 thousand.
However, there are other amounts that must be paid at customs clearance, where the importer goes to the Federal Revenue Service.
At this stage, some amounts calculated in cascade on the value of the merchandise with shipping will be paid, such as:
  • Import tax;
  • PIS;
  • ICMS;
  • IPI.
Subsequently, the vehicle owner must also pay the usual Detran fees, such as registration, licensing, IPVA, among others.
It is possible to simulate how much will actually be spent on each tax through the Federal Revenue website, at this link.

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