StartWithout categoryCompany launches wind turbine for homes at the price of a cell phone and can...

Company launches wind turbine for homes at the price of a cell phone and can generate 5 kWh per day


Indian startup Avant Garde Innovations has launched a low-cost power generator that could help families in isolated areas and also people who want to save money on electricity.

The equipment is 3 meters in diameter and is ideal for homes, businesses or even rural areas, it is capable of generating 5 kWh per day and costs only US$$ 899, less than cell phones like the iPhone.

The turbine called AVATAR™, generates energy day and night, whether it is raining or sunny. It has low maintenance, generates reliable and clean renewable energy with a 2-year warranty and a 20-year lifespan. And it can also be installed in a short space of time in a small area on the ground or on the roof.

And even more so in times of pandemic and high energy bills, yellow flag and red flag, generating your own energy can be an excellent option.

Watch an official company video in English:

Technical Characteristics:

  • Super efficient axial flux turbine: multiphase, multivoltage and brushless.
  • Clean renewable energy: Daily production of 5 kWh at average wind speeds of 5.5 m/s.
  • Direct Drive and Zero Gear: Issues related to Zero Gear wear and tear or oil changes.
  • Breeze to cyclone: Initial speed of only 1.4 m/s breeze. Survival speed of 60 m/s (134 mph or 216 km/h) cyclonic winds.
  • Quiet: Less than 10% of the sound of the wind itself.
  • RPM control for longer bearing life and secure roof installation.
  • Automatically faces any wind direction.
  • Power generation: day and night, rain and shine, summer and winter.
  • Space Efficiency – Only 1/3rd of the space required compared to solar panels and can run hybrid with Solar.
  • Bird-friendly: daytime visibility painted on the blades. Nighttime glows in the dark ring.
  • Over two decades of operational life of 20 to 25 years.
  • Low maintenance and no need for regular cleaning.
  • Climate Resistance Marine, Snowy and Desert Areas.
  • Nominal power 1kW.
  • Nominal voltage 24V / 48V / 230V.

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