StartWithout categoryClick here and sign: do you support the END of PT?

Click here and sign: do you support the END of PT?


Brazil has risen up against the far left and the most corrupt party in history! Out with the PT is the voice that echoes in the streets of the cities.
Photo: Internet 

The people can't stand Lula and company anymore, Brazil needs to prosper! Enough leftism.

Take part in our poll and answer: do you support the end of the Workers' Party? Participate and we will find out the will of the Brazilian people.

We have already overthrown the ignorant president, it doesn't cost anything to overthrow all her cronies!

If you agree, leave your PT trash out, Lula the thief, your place is in prison!

Share with as many right-wing groups on Facebook as possible! Let's show the will of the people, we want the END OF PT in Brazil

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