There are several moments that are unique in a couple's life, among them we can mention two: the wedding and the day their children are born; these are splendid moments and everyone wants to be there.
However, not all fathers dare to enter the delivery room with their wives; some, no matter how macho they appear to be, cannot bear the sight of even a speck of blood.
And that's more or less what happened to Duileu Edmilson, 32, who fainted during the birth of his son; from emotion or fear? We don't know; but as soon as his wife of 39 years, Mariana Reises, entered the hospital, she already had a feeling that the child would soon arrive.
She automatically went to the operating room, and her husband stayed by her side the whole time; reassuring her and bringing her calm; she describes in an interview with the website UOL, that the moment he saw the child, 'the world ended for him'.
He started to change his body color and became very nervous about what had happened; and unable to breathe, he ended up fainting; Mariana quickly burst out laughing and asked the photographer to record what had happened.
See the photos below;