StartWithout categoryURGENT: Senate tries to propose an end to the appointment of STF ministers by...

URGENT: Senate tries to propose an end to the appointment of STF ministers by the president of the republic, before Bolsonaro appoints Moro


The minister being admitted to the STF through a public competition, he assumes more credibility on the part of society since there is a distrust since they are appointed by politicians and thus the citizen is not sure if the minister is impartial when deciding a case against the party of the politician who appointed him. Says a Maria on the Senate website. 

The ministers of the Supreme Federal Court should reach the position through a public competition promoted by the aforementioned court and not be appointed by the president of the republic. This would give much more independence to the magistrate and consequently to the judiciary. Said an editor of the Federal Senate website. 


Furthermore, this was seen right now that Sérgio Moro is in the running to take over the position at the STF in the coming years… How “afraid” of the Federal Senate along with other scoundrels in robes. 

If you support Moro in the STF, go ahead and share it now.


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