Even with all crime rates falling, the newspaper uses an NGO to say that public safety suffered a setback in 2019.
Read the following paragraph that opens an article in Folha de S. Paulo entitled “Security moves back more than it advances in Bolsonaro’s first year”:
Despite the continued downward trend in homicides, the first year of public security under Jair Bolsonaro's presidency was marked by a succession of legislative proposals and few practical actions. (Emphasis added.)
I translate. Folha says the following: although Sérgio Moro's public security policy has resulted in a 22% drop in the number of murders, saving, until November, the lives of almost 10,000 citizens, according to the newspaper, in fact, there has been a setback in the sector.
This is the premise of the article. Orwell would say: war is peace, freedom is slavery, effective public security is that which maintains 70 thousand homicides per year, without regression.
To this grotesque statement, Minister Moro himself, through his social networks, responded:
Crimes are falling across the country at an unprecedented rate. Murders are down 22%; bank robberies are down 40%. According to Folha de São Paulo and NGOs, public safety has worsened. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but not to their own facts. Facts are stubborn things.
The minister's response is perfect, except for one detail: the article does not necessarily reflect Folha's opinion — Folha's opinion is, at most, Gregório Duvivier trying to make a militant joke. Folha, in the case of this article, is just serving as an errand girl for people like George Soros, the Hungarian tycoon who makes a living destabilizing nations, sponsoring chaos and disorder with his mega-fortune.
Did it sound conspiratorial, exaggerated? Let's see.
All of Folha's publications are based on studies by the Sou da Paz Institute, a traditional leftist NGO that has among its most beautiful achievements the anti-gun propaganda that convinced law-abiding citizens to hand over their weapons in exchange for being at the mercy of bandits who are increasingly equipped to do evil. Today, society has elected a president who is trying to reverse this situation.
“A report by the Sou da Paz Institute found that there were more setbacks than advances in the area,” says the article.
And who funds the Institute?

According to the latest report published on the organization's website in 2017, it is the Open Society Foundation, Dr. Soros' NGO.
Further on, Folha cites a criticism by Arthur Trindade, a professor at the University of Brasília (UnB) who was Secretary of Public Security and Social Peace for former DF governor Rodrigo Rollemberg (from the PSB, a party allied with the São Paulo Forum and which had PV, PCdoB and the like in its government base) and who is also an advisor to the Brazilian Public Security Forum.
Who pays for this Forum?

In addition to the Ford, Avon, Porticus and Lafer Foundations, all of which have a globalist bias with their environmental, gender, abortionist agendas, etc., the report also includes, as can be seen, the champion of global mischief: Mr. Soros' Open Society.
It is these people that Folha de São Paulo serves. Folha, in essence, is just a megaphone for malicious agents who, in order to undermine our sovereignty and destabilize our society, are capable of saying, in broad daylight, that saving 10,000 lives in the space of a year is a step backwards.