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(Modesto Carvalhosa – jurist and specialist in combating corruption)
The question is: is the demonstration of many citizens calling for military intervention to close the STF and the National Congress legitimate, based on Article 142 of the Constitution?
These Brazilians are not asking for the breakdown of the democratic regime.
On the contrary, they want the RESTORATION of the Democratic Rule of Law, which was destroyed by the National Congress, with the explicit support of the STF.
These citizens are calling for a NEW CONSTITUTION that prohibits re-election, establishes independent candidacies, pure district voting, the end of party and electoral funds, the automatic filling of STF ministers by the oldest judges of the higher courts, etc.
These citizens demand that the LEGALIZED theft of billions of our taxes, as is the case with the “mini-electoral reform” and also the sordid “law on abuse of authority”, immediately cease.
Only the PT, which was banned by the people in 2018, will receive 720 million for general spending on municipal elections, plus construction of its “headquarters” throughout Brazil and payment, always with our money, of the lawyers who will defend them for the theft they will commit of those same 720 million.
The same scheme of LEGALIZED theft will be used by the Centrão parties.
The current Congress does not represent the Brazilian people, but only its own interests, which are to steal as much as they can from the public coffers and punish with jail the judges, prosecutors and police officers who dare to investigate and condemn them for the LEGALIZED CORRUPTION that they instituted in our country, in the current “legislature”.
This situation of rupture of democracy by those who should defend it must find an end and a NEW BEGINNING with a new Constitution, with a new Congress and a new STF, made up of decent people and focused on the interests of society.