StartWithout categoryWoman poisoned by 'best friend' after getting promoted at work

Woman poisoned by 'best friend' after getting promoted at work


A 27-year-old woman's happiness ended up arousing the envy of her best friend. Jessica Wongso, 28, put cyanide in her friend's coffee after learning that she had been promoted at work. Wayan Mirna died instantly. The crime took place in Indonesia earlier this year.

The murder took place in a coffee shop, while the two friends were talking. Jessica was sentenced to 20 years in prison. According to the judge presiding over the trial, the fake friend committed “premeditated murder in a vile and sadistic manner.”

According to Jessica's lawyers, there is no way to confirm that Wayan died from the poison. However, the judges claimed that the amount of cyanide found in the victim's body was enough to find her guilty. The murderer's defense still intends to appeal the sentence.

(With information from CM7)

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