StartBolsonaro"Brazilians consider Bolsonaro's first year better than Lula's, Dilma's and...

“Brazilians consider Bolsonaro’s first year better than Lula’s, Dilma’s and FHC’s”


“A survey released this Friday (13) shows that 43% of Brazilians consider the first year of President Jair Bolsonaro's term to be better than that of former President Lula. In comparison with Dilma Rousseff's administration, the percentage in favor of Bolsonaro is 48% and with Fernando Henrique Cardoso, 45%. According to the survey, however, 39% of those interviewed consider the current government to be bad or terrible. 35% said they consider the administration to be excellent or good and another 25% rated it as average. In total, XP Investimentos interviewed a thousand people between December 9 and 11. The margin of error is 3.2 percentage points.”

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