StartWithout categoryLava Jato: Atibaia site was acquired with illicit resources from Lulinha

Lava Jato: Atibaia site was acquired with illicit resources from Lulinha


Operation Lava Jato has evidence that the Atibaia site was acquired with illicit resources from contracts from Gamecorp, Lulinha, son of Lula and Gol, Jonas Suassuna, with companies from the Oi and Telemar groups.

Between 2004 and 2016, Lulinha, Jonas and Kalil Bittar together received more than R$ 132 million from Oi, without “plausible economic justification”:

“The investigations indicate that the companies in the Gamecorp/Gol group did not have labor and assets compatible with the effective provision of the services for which they were hired by Oi/Telemar. Documentary evidence collected, such as contracts and invoices, in addition to data extracted from the removal of banking and tax secrecy from those investigated, indicate that companies from the Oi/Telemar group invested in and hired the Gamecorp/Gol group without quoting prices with others suppliers, made payments above the contracted values and practiced in the market, as well as made payments for services not executed.”

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