StartBolsonaroBolsonaro competes for Time magazine's Person of the Year title

Bolsonaro competes for Time magazine's Person of the Year title


This is the second year that the current president of Brazil has competed for the title of “Personality of the Year”.

The President of the Republic, Jair Bolsonaro, is competing for the title of “Personality of the Year 2019” in a competition held by the North American magazine Time. 
The president of Brazil is competing with 57 names, including entertainment personalities, activists and politicians. 
In addition to Bolsonaro, names such as US President Donald Trump, Frenchman Emmanuel Macron, Russian Vladimir Putin, Chinese Xi Jinping, Ukrainian Volodymyr Zelenski and Turkish Recep Tayyip Erdogan are also present.
Although the vote takes public opinion into account, Time magazine warns that the final choice still goes to the magazine's editors, reports the website UOL.


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