The National Congress will meet again on Tuesday, the 3rd, in a joint session, to finish analyzing two vetoes by President Jair Bolsonaro. The first item blocked some points of the law that changed the rules for the functioning of parties and elections.
Bolsonaro signed the law into law in September with 45 vetoes. Seven have already been overturned and one was maintained.
With information from Crusoé.
Vetoes to other laws;
In total, the agenda included presidential vetoes to 11 different pieces of legislation.
- 2 were maintained in full;
- 6 were rejected in full;
- 1 almost entirely maintained;
- 1 partially maintained – with several points to be voted on separately next week;
- 1 highlighted for voting next week.
The next veto to be analyzed by deputies and senators invalidated the preference to be given to women who live from shellfish collection in the payment of compensation in the event of an environmental disaster.