StartBolsonaroJoice is accused of using public money to finance attacks on her children...

Joice is accused of using public money to finance attacks on Bolsonaro's sons


Federal deputy Joice Hasselmann (PSL-SP) is being accused of waging a digital war against President Jair Bolsonaro's children.
According to journalist Fábio Zanini, from Folha de S. Paulo, Joice used public resources from her parliamentary quota in the Chamber to pay a company that manages her social networks.
The article says that the Rio de Janeiro company EG Consult receives R$2,500 per month in public funds to, among other tasks, manage a WhatsApp group in which the deputy defends herself against accusations of treason and other criticisms.
The work, however, was not being reported on EG Consult's invoices, according to the report.
The notes mention “generation of graphic and multimedia materials, management, service and support for users of the communication platforms used by the federal deputy”, and mention Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter – but omit the fact that these are public resources.

Source: Right with information from Political Connection 

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