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Plane has to make an unscheduled landing due to smell of foot odor


A Swiss International Air Lines plane flying from London to Zurich, Switzerland, had to make a forced landing for a very unusual reason. The aircraft had to return to Heathrow Airport because of a strong smell of foot odor! The information is from the Airlive portal.

According to the aviation specialist vehicle, the plane had been flying for about 30 minutes when the problem was detected.

“On flight LX339 from London Heathrow to Zurich, the pilots noticed an unusual smell in the cabin. As a result, they returned to London Heathrow Airport. The landing was uneventful. As a precautionary measure, the airport fire brigade was called, as is customary in such cases,” a Swiss Air spokesperson said.

The 101 passengers had to be rebooked onto other flights to continue to their destination. After an investigation, a pair of dirty socks were found in the cockpit. According to the airline, the decision to end the flight was made due to health concerns.

Via: Metropolises

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