StartBrazilGebran Neto Denies Annulment of Proceedings Against Lula in the Case of the...

Gebran Neto Denies Annulment of Proceedings Against Lula in the Atibaia Site Case


Judge João Pedro Gebran Neto, rapporteur of Lava Jato at the Regional Federal Court of the 4th Region (TRF-4), this Wednesday (27), rejected in judgment all the preliminaries exposed by former president Lula's lawyers in the Atibaia farm case, thus denying the annulment of the sentence that sentenced Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva to 12 years and 11 months in prison for crimes of corruption and money laundering in this same case.
In addition to denying the requests for suspicion made by Lula's defense of then judge Sergio Moro, stating that "The premise of political connotation is foreign to the process", the judge then denied the existence of irregularity in the fact that judge Gabriela Hardt, when sentencing the former president, made a copy of Moro's sentence regarding the triplex case. "No part of the merits is reproduced. They are merely informative parts typical of the report", he clarified.
Gebran also denied accusations that the Federal Public Ministry had wrong intentions regarding the allocation of money paid by Petrobras as a fine.  to the American Justice and also the preliminary request that Lula's conviction be annulled  according to the new understanding of the STF on the order of final allegations when there are co-defendants who have been reported.

“I do not share this understanding,” he said. “It seems to me that what the Supreme Federal Court did was a procedural rule that could only be valid with effect ex nunc, never with retroactive effect”, he concluded.


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