StartWithout categoryPGR forgives Renan Calheiros by archiving yet another investigation

PGR forgives Renan Calheiros by archiving yet another investigation


Dodge considered that investigations did not provide sufficient evidence to maintain an inquiry.

The Attorney General of the Republic, Raquel Dodge, requested the archiving of an investigation opened against Senator Renan Calheiros (MDB) to investigate alleged payment of undue advantage by OAS, with the aim of avoiding the opening of the CPMI of Petrobras.

Dodge also requested that the remaining investigations be sent to the Alagoas Court.

In its argument, the PGR says that the investigations confirmed the transfer of unaccounted amounts in Maceió at the request of the construction company OAS, in the interest of the Canal Sertão project.

“However, in relation to the senator under investigation, […] it is necessary to recognize that the investigation has not yet gathered the minimum evidentiary support to support the filing of the complaint,” stated Dodge, according to the website Metropolises.

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