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Lula says he will remain in prison until he proves that Moro and Deltan Dallagnol “are criminals”


Former President Lula stated, in yet another interview given from the Federal Police jail in Curitiba, that he will prove that the Minister of Justice, Sergio Moro, and the head of the Lava Jato Task Force in Curitiba, Deltan Dallagnol, are criminals. In the interview, given to journalist Bob Fernandes, broadcast on Friday night, the 16th, on his YouTube channel and on TVE Bahia, he also said that he only wants to leave prison with “100% of innocence.”

He said he did not know how long he would remain in Curitiba, where he is serving a sentence for corruption and money laundering, but that he would not seek a change in regime. “It is from here that I want to prove that they are criminals and I am not. That is what I want to prove.” This was the first time the former president spoke after the decision by federal judge Carolina Lebbos, responsible for executing his sentence, who authorized his transfer to São Paulo. On the same day, the Supreme Court overturned the decision.

OPPORTUNITY – “It (the decision) meant the need to get rid of Lula before he can leave here. I don’t know the judge. She was irresponsible. I hope society is seeing that. I don’t want to be treated better than anyone else.” The former president said he was in prison because he wanted to be. According to him, he had plenty of opportunities to leave Brazil to avoid being arrested. “I want to leave here with 100% of innocence. I’m here because I want to. I could have left Brazil. I had plenty of opportunities. I didn’t want to leave because the way I could help put criminals in jail is to stay here.”

During the interview, he commented on the most recent Vaza Jato case, published by BuzzFeed News in partnership with The Intercept Brasil, which points out that Moro, while still a federal judge, instructed Lava Jato prosecutors not to collect Eduardo Cunha's cell phones on the eve of the former president of the Chamber of Deputies' arrest. Visibly irritated at this point, the former president, banging on the table, highlighted that the Federal Police went to his grandchildren's house to seize a tablet.

UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT – “They kept it (the tablet) here for a year, locked up. And they didn’t have the courage to take Eduardo Cunha’s phone number because Moro said: ‘no, don’t take the phone number’. What was on Eduardo Cunha’s phone that Moro didn’t want anyone to know? Why didn’t they accept a plea bargain from Eduardo Cunha?” he asked. The PT member spoke about the influence of the US in Brazil. For him, Lava Jato is orchestrated by the US government.

“Today, I am clear, Bob, that everything that is happening here in Brazil with Lava Jato has the finger of the Americans. The American Justice Department has more control over Moro than his wife.” He later stated that Lava Jato was created to hand over Brazilian oil, refineries and distributors.

DISMISSAL – Regarding Deltan, the president stated that the National Council of the Public Prosecutor's Office (CNMP) should have requested his dismissal. “Dallagnol should not even exist because he is not qualified for this. He is not qualified to do what he is doing. That is why he has done so much mischief and so much banditry,” he attacked.

Lula called President Jair Bolsonaro (PSL) a monster and took the opportunity to criticize Globo by stating that the network did not have the courage to launch presenter Luciano Huck for president of the Republic. “Bolsonaro was a monster who emerged, and that was certainly not what Globo expected. Globo expected someone from their team. How could they not have the courage to launch Luciano Huck?”

He criticized the company's stance in the case of the leaked messages obtained by the website The Intercept Brasil, which exposed the actions of Moro and Deltan. “Until now, believe it or not, today is the 14th, Globo has not had the nerve to publish the Intercept's stuff. It's as if it didn't exist. They were capable of inventing a hacker in Araraquara. They arrested a hacker to spread Moro's lies and they don't have the courage to arrest Queiroz,” he said.

“ORGANIZED FANS” – The former president referred to Bolsonaro as a cheerleader who speaks to fanatics. “Bolsonaro is governing and speaking to his organized fans. To please his fanatics, those who are not concerned about Brazil.” He criticized the way the president handled the defeat of Argentine President Mauricio Macri in the primaries. “He had the foolishness to talk about a strategic partner and offend the Argentine people.”

The PT member emphasized that, upon leaving prison, in addition to getting married because he is in love, he will take to the streets to raise the self-esteem of the Brazilian people. “If they are afraid of me, they should find another way to silence me. A 74-year-old man, who has already done what I have done, will not remain silent. I want my innocence,” he said.

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