Abravanel is considered a possible successor to Silvio Santos in command of the Brazilian Television System (SBT).
In an appearance on the Raul Gil Program, last Saturday (10), Patrícia Abravanel stated that she learned an important lesson from her father about the management of the station:
“You know that SBT is very pro-government. Regardless of who is in power, we believe that we have to support them. […] My father always taught us this. He supported Lula, Dilma, Temer… We are pro-government. Always.”
The statement was made during the “Who Do You Take Your Hat Off To” dynamic. During the game, Patrícia praised, among other personalities, the President of the Republic, Jair Bolsonaro:
“He is our president in power. All authority is placed there by God. And we, as Brazilians, have to hope that he succeeds.”
According to the website Metropolises, she added:
“The first goal was now. Social Security was released. I know it is not something that is very popular, but it will be good for Brazil and we will be grateful later.”