Governor Flávio Dino (PCdoB) clashed head-on with President Jair Bolsonaro (PSL) again this Monday (5).
The topic of the day is nepotism.
On Twitter, the communist criticized what he classified as the trivialization of nepotism, after Bolsonaro confirmed his intention to appoint his son Eduardo as ambassador to the United States – a report by O Globo also points out other cases, even before the publication of the Summary by the STF.
“I remember the struggle to get the National Council of Justice (CNJ) to approve a Resolution against nepotism in 2005. Then came the Supreme Court’s Binding Summary 13. Incredibly, this debate is back in 2019, with the attempt to trivialize nepotism, which is prohibited by the Constitution,” the governor posted.
He doesn't even seem like the same Flávio Dino who, in 2015, appealed to sentimentality to justify cases of nepotism in his government.
That year, harassed by allegations that some assistants had appointed several relatives to the state administration, he gave an interview to IstoÉ to explain himself.
Read the article in which Flávio Dino says; “I can’t punish love, I can’t control people’s love lives,” he said.