In past governments (Lula, Dilma and Temer), the media and especially the Globe was watered with a lot of public money.
The mainstream media has always fueled Brazilian politics, especially the largest broadcaster in Brazil, Rede Globo, which has always taken billions of reais from the government. Things have changed with the Bolsonaro government. In the first few months, several cuts were announced regarding public money transfers to the mainstream media.
A Globe begins to attack the president's family, to harm the government. Dying of fear of going off the air, Globo investors owe more than a billion in unpaid taxes.
Bolsonaro is at risk from both sides, both from the mainstream media and from the left, which is instilling hatred in the country. That is why the right wing is so important in Brazil. An example of this is the demonstrations. Where the right wing holds completely polite and passive demonstrations, the left wing does things that no family would like to see or show their children, that is, if they are even a family… Hi…