StartApplicationApps that pay you to walk – find out all about them here

Apps that pay you to walk – find out all about them here


Is it possible to earn some money while you exercise? That’s what we’re going to talk about today. Read the article below and see how you can earn free gifts or even cash just by walking! 

Earning money by walking… Is it possible? This is a much talked about topic, especially among younger people, who recently discovered an app that has become popular on the internet and that seems to pay you for every step you take. 

But does this really happen? We’re going to find out in today’s article. In any case, even if it’s “free”, there’s no physical exercise more practical than walking. It doesn’t require any skill, it’s cheap and can be done at any time of the day. 

There is no age restriction and it can even be done indoors if the person has a treadmill. Even for sedentary people who do not practice any type of sport, a 10-minute walk a day already has noticeable effects not only on the body, but on the mind as well, and this is proven by science. 

Benefits of Walking. 

Photo: Pexels.

Studies have shown that walking for 40 minutes a day reduces blood pressure for 24 hours after the exercise is finished. This is because during exercise, blood flow increases and blood vessels expand, reducing pressure.

The lungs also benefit from walking, especially when the exercise is performed frequently, as the bronchi are dilated and inflammation in the airways, such as bronchitis, is prevented. 

While walking, our body also releases endorphins, which are hormones produced by the pituitary gland and are responsible for feelings of happiness and relaxation. When a person starts exercising, they start to feel much better and have more energy. 

Apps That Pay You To Walk 

Now that you know about the benefits of walking, how about learning more about Sweatcoin? Available for download on the Google Play Store and the App Store, this app turns your steps into rewards and you may be wondering how the step count works.

It works like this: this app has a partnership with the Google Fit and Health apps, so it ends up having access to data related to all the steps you take. 

Every 1000 steps gives you the right to a sweatcoin, which is a currency used within the app, and which can be converted into gift cards, discounts at a partner store or you can make a donation to a charity or auction within the app itself. 

If you invite people to join the platform, who watch ads and take part in challenges, you also earn sweatcoins. Furthermore, by subscribing to the premium plan, you earn double the rewards, and the value is R$ 35.99 monthly and R$ 179.99 annually. 

This currency cannot be converted and redeemed for real money and it is also not possible to earn money with the app. There are indications that the app will soon launch its own cryptocurrency called “Sweat” but there is still no information about the market value and methods of redemption. 

StepBet and Charity Miles 

The StepBet app can also be downloaded from the AppStore and Play Store and is an interesting application to encourage fitness through physical exercise and betting as it motivates the user to compete for the position of who is walking the most. 

Within the application, some challenges are made available and prices can reach up to US$$ 40. The steps are counted in partnership with other monitoring applications such as S Health, Google Fit, Garmin and Fitbit. 

Users can also see how many people are taking part in the challenge and the total amount of the bet. At the end, the money is shared among those who managed to complete the activity and the money can be used for another bet or withdrawn via a PayPal account. 

Chatity Miles is an app aimed at those who like to play sports and get involved in social causes, as the app generates money from any physical activity you do, even a weekend trip with your pet. 

The difference is that the money is not paid to the person who practiced the sport, but rather goes to charities that care for people with AIDS, Alzheimer's, cancer and other types of diseases. It's a way to help others and exercise at the same time. 

Lucky Step and WeWard 

We mention Lucky Step here so that you don't fall into a "scam" because even though the app promises virtual money that can be exchanged for Americanas or Amazon gift cards, there are several complaints from users who are unable to access these prizes. 

WeWard became popular in Europe and is also a virtual currency that can be exchanged for gift cards and even real money, directly into your bank account, but this app has not yet arrived in South America, and is expected to do so in 2023. 


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